Thursday, June 28, 2007

nothing went on today

I tried to get out there and sell but I just wasn't in the mood. I have this pending 30 machine deal on Monday and I have a locator locating 5 machines. It just seems almost fruitless to get out there and place individual machines by myself. It takes forever. I know that is negative. Anyone got some inspirational words for me?

Besides that everything is going well. A month is coming up quickly on my first machine being placed and I can't wait to check it! You guys should check out Kyle's blog. I made a post on it earlier today. He hasn't made any new posts yet but I'm sure they'll be interesting.

I'm thinking about manufacturing my own machines. Does anyone know any of some fabrication plants in China? I know they are available. I'm going to do some searching. I know you guys would be interested in getting machines cheaper and there are some things I would like to change.

For one, I want classier looking machines. I want a coin mechanism that isn't cheap. I want something that is no hassle and good looking. I think two candy options is enough. Gumballs and M&M Peanuts seem to be the biggest hits so why not stick with it. I like the triple-head design and want to turn that into a double-head design in one single machine.

I think buying routes is the way to go. The more I think about it the better it seems to me. You don't have to locate yourself. You get machines that are on location, and you usually just have to pay for the machines, meaning locations come free. That and networking at chamber of commerce meetings is what I'm going to focus my efforts on. Anyone else have any other ideas?

There have been some new people checking out the blog, feel free to post. This site just got listed on google so that is sending in some new people. Talk soon.



Guth Vending Company said...


New post on my blog. And me as a link to your blog.

I think, personally, if you are not willing to get your butt up and do something, everyday...QUIT. You have gotten LAZY Robert. A new QUOTE FOR YOU:

"I have to place a machine today or Kyle Guth will give me a MEAN, and RUDE peptalk"...just kidding.


Kyle G.

Robert Neil Patterson II said...

Kyle, I will not come home until one is placed. You have me dedicated. I've become lazy. There is no reason to be lazy. I'm 22 years old, come on now, I should be out there working! Damn! I'm placing a machine tomorrow, kick my ass if I don't.


Ryan Livergood said...

Hey Rob,

Sorry I haven't posted a comment for awhile. Remember, every day you have a unused machine sitting idle at home you are losing money on your investment. I know it isn't easy to find locations and that it isn't free (transportation cost, time you could be spending making money on other projects, etc), but just think of all the potential money you are losing every day that one of your machines isn't placed!

Hey, I got an idea for you...go make your initial contacts with your Chinese businessmen today! And remember, when you hand them a business card, hand it to them with both of your hands and not just one!

Take care,

Robert Neil Patterson II said...

Nice to hear from your Ryan. I'm getting out there today. I think to sell machines you really need to be in a good mood or at least feign being in a good mood. Go in type A personality.

I'm not comming home until one is placed. I'm getting one placed. Like you said it it senseless to let them just sit here in my garage.

Maybe I'll chat with the Chinese today now that I have business cards.


Unknown said...

Hi Rob,

Great blog...I have been following it for awhile. Thanks for your comments to me on Steve's blog. It's a little harder for me to get started than you make it sound though. I don't live with my parents and have real bills to pay so I HAVE to get a job and start out slow with the vending. I'm definitely going to do it, just not as fast as you have.

I also live about 2 hours from Miami and was considering driving there to pick up machines, but since I will be starting out with only a couple of machines (instead of 10 like you) I decided not to. I'm currently checking out machines from XYZ Vending. I posted some info on Kyle's blog and was wondering if you or any of your readers know about this company's good/reliable are they? I don't want to sacrifice quality for price. What good is a machine if you have to replace it or repair it often?

I really like reading your blog and all the trials/tribulations/successes you have had in this business day-to-day. Keep it up!

Best wishes to you in your business.


Robert Neil Patterson II said...

Thanks Stormy. ZYZ doesn't sound like a bad company but I really have no idea. I'm sure they are very similar to the place in Miami. Made in China that is. Personally if I were you I would buy 5 and drive to Miami. Then it would be worth it. You will save $50 a machine.


Guth Vending Company said...


I use a bunch of XYZ vending machines. THAY are really good machines. I have not had a problem with them. I would HIGHLY suggest you buy one. I LOVE THOSE MACHINES. You have to buy one Stormy. Thanks for the comments on my blog. I will post a picture of my machine, latter on my blog. Thay are STRONG machines, and are very reliable. Well UNDER priced for the machine get. BUY ONE TODAY.

Kyle G.