Thursday, June 7, 2007

For you all

Well to be honest I don't really feel like going out today and hearing the No's again, but I don't want to let you all down so I'm going out anyway, to 30 places. 30 places. I'm going to try the new trial thing that Mr. Guth recommended. Wish me luck.

3/10 machines with homes


Guth Vending Company said...


You really need to be able to take thoes NO's. Look at it this way every no, is one step further to a YES.

Kyle G.

Unknown said...

I love following your progress, and am learning by it. I have been in the bulk vending business for about 18 months. Here is how we do it.

My 10 yo son always begged me for quarters to feed the machines everywhere we went. One day I told him, "you know, you could be on the other side of this quarter business", he said huh. I said we could buy a candy machine and you could sell the 3 cent gumballs for a quarter. I own two pharmacies, so I knew we could place two machines right off the bat. He was very excited about doing it. We studied up, and ordered the machined from internet vendors and had about $70 each in two single head machines. We bought the case of gumballs at Sam's and started. He came up with the cute name of Big Dog Vending, and I made him business cards on the home computer with a puppy on it. The first month each machine did about $20 gross. We were hooked. His favorite expression now is "quarters are amazing" The kid thing really works for us, because he does the locating. From my two locations we branched out, with him going into the business that we are eating at, or making a purchase and then he asks them, with his puppy dog eyes, if he can put a gumball machine in the corner. He explains "his" gumball business and they think it is cute. He has never been asked for a commission. Because he is busy with school and sports, he does not locate additional machines like a professional, but he adds more spots every few months. Not more than he can service. I buy the machines and the candy and he locates, them and he gets 50% of the gross. We have machines in a competitors pharmacy, his dentist (bouncy balls) and his orthodontist (bouncy balls), his favorite Chinese restaurant, the salon where he gets his hair cut, the sporting goods store, where we buy all his sports supplies, a grain trucking firm owned by a friend's parents in his class, auto dealer, where we have purchased several vehicles, you get the point. He has only been turned down one time of locating, because of corporate restrictions, so we stay away from the big boys, and concentrate on mom and pop businesses. Last month as we rolled the quarters, he said, I almost feel guilty making this money from almost doing nothing....hah.....When we are away having fun, I always tell him. While we are having fun you are still making money because people are putting quarters into your machines.

I do not mean this to sound like bragging, but just passing along some ideas that worked for us. I dont know what I will do when he goes to college, hah.

Guth Vending Company said...


Welcome. How many machines do your son, and your self own. Sounds like a pretty good amount. I think it is a good thing that you and your son are doing this. It teaches him many life skills. Does your son read this blog? If he does I will tell Rob to cut the launage!

Here is yet anther good bold, that both of you can read :

This is a GOOD site full of infomation.

This is my good friends site, YOU HAVE TO CHECK IT OUT:

Once you are there click on VENDING:an on-line book for bulk vending.

This is a good site that is run by my GOOD friend. He has been in vending for 22 years. This is all he has learnd over the past 22 years.


Kyle Guth


Kyle G.

Guth Vending Company said...

Sorry about my


Kyle Guth,

two times in the last post!


Kyle Guth

Robert Neil Patterson II said...

Hey Ken,
That is really cool. I took my mom one morning with me to locate and she is really good but she uses the "my son just started a new business out of college" ploy. I mean I don't mind, but I don't like to be in the location while she is doing that. If she didn't have her own business I would take her with me all the time.

I was thinking about bringing in a picture of a young child and acting like he was mine (a young entrepreneur) or something. I don't know. I need a new ploy to get the sympathy vote too. I have a new post about today that will be up soon.


Guth Vending Company said...


Dont bring a picture. Im sorry but thats a little stupid.

Kyle G.