Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sweet's Success is Inspirational!

There is a new post on the forum from a guy named Frank aka Sweet Stop. He has his own section called Sweet's Success and there is a GREAT post from him about how he started and where he is at now. We started at similar times and he has 9 machines on location right now.

Anyway, it's a great story about how he started and he is going to keep us informed as he goes along. I really encourage you to check it out.

On my front, I think I'm going to build some machines today. There really isn't much for bulk vendors to do on the weekends. I guess I just assume that most managers aren't in. Anyway! Talk to you guys soon. Good luck.

Candyman Can!

1 comment:

Guth Vending Company said...

The Wal-Mart thing is going to fall through the ice. I found out a peice of Info. that has got me running. I am going to a skating rink, and a local grocry store (not a chain) to see about a rack/crane!

Kyle G.