Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I Got G's

Yes, my $7,000 loan on prosper DID GET FUNDED! I don't have the $7,000 in hand yet but as soon as my bank account is verified it should be transferred over! How exciting is this?! So, now I need to come up with a plan on how to invest the money. Let me go over my current financial/candy situation.

I have 12 machines left and enough candy for 1 of them. I'm out of candy money, so thank god that this loan went through. The point is, I'm going to have to buy some candy with this money.

Candy for 11 machines X $30 = $330

Also, I want to buy new machines and have my current 12 machines located for me. Let's look at the 12 I have now first.

Locations for 12 machines X $35 (with a new locator, test run, special deal) = $420

Left over money for new machines, candy, and locations = $6250 - $70(fee that prosper takes from the $7000 loan.) = $6180

Now, with this money let's get as many machines out on the town as possible!

40 Machines X $95 = $3800
40 Machines Located X $35 = $1400
40 Machines Candy X $30 = $1200

Total = $6400 I think I can come up with the extra $220. So what do you guys think? The loan payment for prosper is about $240 per month for 3 years. I don't think this will be a problem. Who's excited?!!?

Also, I checked one of my machines yesterday at a restaurant. Now, granted this is a great location. And, I didn't count the quarters, I just looked. But there had to be AT LEAST $20 in quarters in that machine and I'm being very conservative with that number, it could be a lot more. Anyway, now you know my situation. Let me hear your remarks! What do you think?!


UPDATE: Dropped off machines at KMART and AUTO PLACE, locator found.


Robert Neil Patterson II said...

Kyle, how about calling GMW for me and seeing if you can get a discounted price from $95 per machine. If I can get them at $85 that will save me a lot on my next 40 machines!


Ryan Livergood said...

Hi Rob,

Congratulations! Glad to hear that you got your loan! It sounds like you have your finances figured you just have to get out there and place machines!

By the way, when are you going to service/collect money from the machines that you have already placed? I am eager to know how your locations are doing!

Take care,

Robert Neil Patterson II said...

A locator called this morning with 3 locations! KMART, ALBERSTONS, and an auto center. We will see. What do you guys think of these locations?

I want to check them Ryan but I'm hesitant, soon, soon!


Robert Neil Patterson II said...

Ok, Albertson's didn't go through. KMART and the Auto place did. The auto place isn't wonderful but who knows, it may make money.

I CHECKED A MACHINE TODAY AT A CAFE, $35.50. It was there for One month and 9 days.


Guth Vending Company said...
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Guth Vending Company said...


You can get the double heads for that ($85)..I am pretty sure. Thay cost like 20 dollars less than a 3 head.

I would..but the price will probably go up! At flea markets, I always go up on the price. Just tell him about your blog, how many people see there free "Advertisement" and buy from them!

Kyle G.