Friday, July 27, 2007

the day of chains 38/45

Well, I've concluded that apartment buildings are very easy to get. I went to two locations today and got them both. One of the machines I put in the laundry room and I'm pretty sure that one will make money. However the other machine I'm not sure if it will do well. It's sort of in the lobby area of the leasing office. I put M&M Peanuts in it though so maybe the ladies will be tempted.

Of course the laundry location was no guarded so I went to home depot and go some master locks and chain. It cost me $10 to secure one machine with two master locks and a 5ft piece of chain. I just hooked it to a big table that was in the laundry room. No one is taking the machine, but they could still break it if they wanted. There were two soda machines in the laundry room already which made me think it will do well.

I told my locator no more apartment buildings. I can find them myself. I checked one machine that had been on location for 10 days and there was $1.75 in it. It is in an apartment building leasing office, which is actually just an apartment turned into an office. I just stopped by since I was near it today. Anyway, she told me that near the beginning of the month everyone comes in to pay. She said a lot of Mexicans come in and bring their children. Hopefully that will help! She also recommended that I put a 25 cent label on it so they knew how much it cost so I put one on.

That was my day so far. I think that's 9 machines placed this week. Not too bad, not too bad. I just hope I am getting some locations that make money. I really hate having a top heavy route where certain machines make up the majority of the money but I'm sure that's how it is for everyone. I'm sure Apple doesn't enjoy making 80% of it's money from one product (IPOD) but they have no choice in the matter!

I'm also working on my new site. I've ended up investing a little more money then I initially wanted to but oh well. Check out the forum. We have 4 members already. It will grow. And I think there are some interesting sections. Kyle Guth has his own section as well as Alan Sampson.



Guth Vending Company said...


that is cool. Who do you talk to at thoes apartment buildings? I have several here. I will try them! When will your site be up.

My machine problem: One of my GMW machines if constantly broken. This is the 4th time this month it has jammed. in is the 12th time in a few months. I have to call today a new mech for it. It has broken this time for good. I am very up-set, and so is the business owner!

Kyle G.

Kyle G.

Guth Vending Company said...


that is cool. Who do you talk to at thoes apartment buildings? I have several here. I will try them! When will your site be up.

My machine problem: One of my GMW machines if constantly broken. This is the 4th time this month it has jammed. in is the 12th time in a few months. I have to call today a new mech for it. It has broken this time for good. I am very up-set, and so is the business owner!

Kyle G.

Robert N. Patterson II said...

When you go into the apartment buildings any of the leasing agents will be able to help you most likely. They are fairly loosely run.

I'm not sure about the GMW mechs. I haven't really had any problems yet. I don't really test them that much though.

KYLE, I want you to make a forum post about the best locations. I want to get a list of 5 types of locations that we feel are the best and only go after them. I'm sick of crap locations. I think this is very necessary.


Guth Vending Company said...


Ok, let me eat supper (in about 15 munites) I am going to eat, and I will work on it. I think this is a very good thing!The problem I have ids the coin going in crooked. The plates get warn, and allows space between the pin that lets the small coins fall out, so it gets jammed. The parts ware out! I pray to god that all the others mechs do better than this one!

Kyle G.

Robert N. Patterson II said...

I had that with one of my machines where a crooked quarter was stuck. What is supposed to happen?


Guth Vending Company said...
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Guth Vending Company said...


Well not that! these are made in China. Thay do not care what thay are supposed to do. Bascialy you inside of your mech is warped. There needs to be no room between pin and coin. If it is warped there will be about a cenitmeter of space between the coin and pin. You better look out, it will happen over and over, and over. I almost got kicked out of my salon because of that!

Kyle G.

Robert N. Patterson II said...

Ahh, I see, so if there is too much space between them then bent quarters can get inside, but if there is no room then bent quarters won't fit in.. Hmm, I'll have to check my mecs.


Guth Vending Company said...


Yes, and then it will jam up!

Kyle G.