Friday, July 13, 2007

I love picking up money 23/31 IN LOCATION

So, to start the day off I dropped off two machines at locations provided to me by a locator. One was at an Albertson's and another at a Cash advance place. Albertson's has me a bit excited. I'm the only guy in the break room and I think those M&M Peanuts will get eaten up. I also put Runts in that location because I think Runts are great. When I go pickup my next 10 machines I'm going to buy a ton of Runts. They are cheaper than skittles and I think they sell better. They are more appealing to me anyway. I pay $7.50 for a 5LB bag of runts, that's not bad at all, granted I have to pick them up. I haven't calculated the actual cost per vend but it's probably around 5 cents. Does anyone know of a local chain that sells runts in bulk? I can't seem to find runts anywhere.

Cash advance place, ehh, I'm not too excited. He gave me this location before I gave strict orders to find $20+ prime locations only. He wants the business, he likes working with me, and I know he wants your guys business too, so let's make him work his ass off right ; )

LOCATIONS, LOCATIONS, LOCATIONS... So, I have this new locator working for me. I know I'm busting his ass. And if I get crap locations I tell him I think they are crap and he's always working on getting me better ones. I have a warranty with him so if something goes wrong with a location he will replace them. Nice thing is, I can get this guy on the phone whenever I need to. Anyway, it's a good deal so far. IF, it all works out I'll hook you guys up with his information. Maybe I can get some special deals for you guys too. I don't mess around!

He just sent me 3 apartment building locations. I THINK THESE WILL KICK ASS. He said apartment's did great for other vendors in Florida, and I told him I want locations that do $20+ a month. He knows I'm not interested in crap locations. Anyway, I haven't dropped them off yet but I will on Monday.

Anyone have any experience in apartment buildings?

I stopped at two locations today to check on machines. The first one was an Auto/Tire place. I took out the quarters and I was disappointed. It didn't look great and the machine had been on location for a month. Well, to my surprise I got $15.75 out of it. So... Not bad! And that doesn't count the dimes and pennies that were mixed in.

Next, I stopped at a rib joint! Guess what, $30.00 even! It has been there a month as well. Most of the gumballs were gone. M-M, remember the M-M Phenomenon!

Skittles and Reeses just don't do nearly as well as Gumballs and M&M Peanuts. I'm switching to Runts from now on.


Candyman 007 - Rob

UPDATE: I forgot to mention that I went into this Car Wash place. Well they have this big UTURN but I wasn't going to let that stop me. Some lady put in a quarter and got so many M&M's that the started spilling on the floor. So I talk to the guy and he ends up telling me that he owns the machines. He was kind of a jerk but whatever.


Anonymous said...

Sam's Club has Runts for
M&Ms Peanut are $7.88/56oz = ~$2.25/lb

SAM'S CLUB 6364: 2550 IMMOKALEE RD. NAPLES , FL (239) 592-6670

Love reading your blog, best of luck!

Robert Neil Patterson II said...

Well all be. You know, I went to Sam's the other day and couldn't find any Runts. Maybe they were out or something. I'm going to go back tomorrow and check! Thanks a lot for the information. I might have to break down and buy a membership there.

$1.20 a pound for runts is a great deal! Maybe a bit more with tax.


Thanks for the info.

Guth Vending Company said...


I am back. Let me talk briefly about YOU servicing your machines. I was disappointed hearing that the machine was almost empty. A BAD SIGN. You will loose your location if no service. I learned that the hard way!

Kyle G.

Guth Vending Company said...


K-Mart? DANG. You now have a very good CRANE place! Now you must buy one man!

Kyle G.

Robert Neil Patterson II said...

I said most of the gumballs were gone! By most I meant there were still plenty in there. Don't worry Kyle, I'm servicing. Once a month is plenty. I think I'm moving to two head machines on my next order. I'm going to make a post about it. I'm in the brake room at K-Mart and they already have cranes in front. I'm not doing cranes yet! Too much servicing for me even at $200 a week.


Guth Vending Company said...


O OK. I thought SugarLoaf/Coin Star Company would have cranes, and Folz would have a rack in there. O Well! I am glad you got your loan..Con-grats.

Yea I got my shipment of 5 doubles from GMW while I was gone. Thay all look great! Highly recommended, with a cast iron stand and red with chrome, or black with chrome! VERY SLICK LOOKING MACHINES.

Kyle G.

Guth Vending Company said...

O yea..I cant find Runts at Sam's also. I look like 2 times a week,no luck..EVER.

Wait, I was looking at a Gumball box and you have to special order them..thay take like TWO months to receive a special order stuff from them!

Kyle G.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, NO RUNTS FOR YOU! Apparently the Sam's in Naples doesn't carry Runts. Their website says, "Item not available."

They DO have 'em here Las Vegas though.

Robert Neil Patterson II said...

Well, damn. I'm going to have to pay $7.50 for runts I guess. Plus that means I have to drive 2 hours to Miami to get them. Maybe I can get SAMS to special order them for me. I can't believe it would take that long. Everything is run by computers these days.
