Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Miami! 41/56

I went to Miami and picked up some machines today. I traded in my 3 triples for doubles and got 10 more machines. So I came back with 13 machines in all.

I have been working hard on the new site!! It's not up yet but it will be and I'm getting you KILLER PRICES! I promise, you will not be disappointed. I wouldn't go to all this trouble to offer a trash deal.

What else happened today. Not too much. My loactor called tonight with another location. I'll probably be building tomorrow. I still have to unpack the car that is full of machines. Damn, you have no idea how much those things weigh! A ton.

Check out the forum and sign up if you haven't done so! Why? I'm getting special deals for Forum members when it comes to locating. Yes, that's right. I'm working for you all! Maybe I can get some machine deals too. It's hard to keep up with all this stuff, I tell you.

I don't think there is anything else to say! DOUBLE-HEAD MACHINES ROCK!

The location I got today is a replacement from my locator. So yes, he does replace machines. I didn't have a problem getting him to do that, which was a relief. I was really anxious to get to the replacement part of the locating business to see if he honored his warranty. He has so far. I'll continue to monitor his progress for you guys!



Guth Vending Company said...


You got 10 more. What does this man at GMW think about you? I do belive you are paying for his house, and car! O yea, me too!

Anyhow, the machines do not weigh a lot! I hall them up to my office on the 3ed floor of my house! Now, the triples weiight a TON, but the doubles??????

How did your prices get cheaper after you went to the GMW? And when will that site be up? I check it everyday!

Kyle Guth
Guth Vending - Sparta TN.

Robert Neil Patterson II said...

Haha, I'm sure I'll make a big post when the site is up.

Yeah, Sam at GMW likes me. He just got a shipment and the warehouse is packed, it's nuts.

I just negotiated with him to distribute his machines.

They don't weigh a ton but still there are 26 single machines and 13 stands to carry. I brought home 13 machines.


Guth Vending Company said...

Yep, that is a lot. The warehouse is packed...not for long. You will buy the all out!!!!!!!!!! Distribute his machines? So you are now getting them at the China price???

O yea, I posted on the P-M&M on the vending chat site!


Robert Neil Patterson II said...

Haha, not quite the China price. He is making money but at a reduced price for sure ; )


Guth Vending Company said...

Ok, so you will sell cheap. Are you looking to make a pritty penny off me? Or are you going to sell them at the price he gives you? O eya have you talked to the vendstar guy?


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Nice to read this blog!
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