Monday, August 13, 2007

Rules for purchasing an existing route. - Baxson

1. Never trust a word the seller says, and I don't care if he/she seems like the most honest person in the world.

2. Require to see some form of books whether an Excel spreadsheet, account program, etc.

3. Require that they back up those numbers with either an income tax return or bank statements. They can blank out everything except the numbers, but require you see what they are bringing in monthly or yearly.

4. Make them take you on the route to service the machines, and have them pull out the money to show again what these locations are pulling each month.

5. Speak with every owner/manager in person to ensure that they would like to keep the machine. Have some type of clause with the existing owner that until you speak with every owner/manager and get the ok you will not give them any funds.

6. Don't spend more on an existing route then you would purchase for the machine used and a locating fee. Remember this is all you are really doing basically, so why throw your money away on something that you could get for less yourself. However, if they can prove that they are making decent money yearly and you are purchasing the route for less then 70% gross then consider that a decent route to purchase.

7. Take your time with this purchase, if anything doesn't sit well with you don't be afraid to walk away. Sometimes that is our greatest power the ability to say NO!

Buying an existing route can be a quick way to jump start your current route, or even add more locations if you are looking to build. Sometimes in over-saturated markets this is the best way to make a niche and not find your machine among the dozens in multiple locations. Don't be afraid to purchase an existing route, just make sure they have some type of evidence to back it up. If they don't, then make sure you are getting it for far less then you would if you purchased the machine used and got a professional locator. Check out ebay, craigslist, etc for prices on the existing machine and routes. Shop around, there are always tons of people getting rid of their routes because they don't have the time anymore.

And last but not least, call the numbers on machines that you wanted to place your machine but found someone already there. You would be surprised at how many people would love to sell their route and just didn't get around to posting it, or didn't know how to. Don't turn your back to purchasing existing routes, always look at it as a viable option. Look at companies that base their existence on purchasing up smaller corporations, it can be the same concept.

Happy vending! - This was written by a writer on my forum, Baxson Vending.


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