So I had one bad day and now I'm nervous I won't be able to get rid of these things. It's amazing how our mind works. I'm going to hit some poorer areas on Monday to try and at least get rid of one. Self doubt is like a silent stalker. I had a few drinks last night and while we were driving around all I could see was opportunity for my machines.
I'm thinking of offering nut options for bar / restaurants. I think that will be more popular. Does anyone have information on this? I don't want to overpay on nuts. Also It seems like I would make more money on shelled pistachios but I wonder if bars will have a problem with the shells? I'm also going to make business cards. I'll probably make them right now. If I finish them I'll put a copy of it here. I'm just going to use vistaprint and get the free ones. I know they make you pay for shipping but what can yah do. It's amazing how stingy you become when you're paying your own bills.
UPDATE: Vistaprint is a scam. For the free cards they want you to wait 21 days. I made my cards with 123print.com and they cost less than $13 for 200 cards shipped and they will be here next week. Not a bad deal. I didn't want to go the tacky gumball card route so I went patriotic. After all candy machines are the heart of America and my machines support the Kids!
"one bad day" is normall. I will buy 3 of your machines off your hands.....just kidding. You can do it! . Your right...OPPORTIUNTY IS EVERYWHERE! GO,Go,GO, and gget it!
Kyle G.
Don't kid Kyle, haha, I know you wish you had my machines. $95!!!!!!!!!!
If you want you can buy one from me so you can see the quality and check them out for yourself. I'm pretty sure I can get it to you for $110 shipped. I used to be an ebay powerseller and ship 50 items a week so I know a few tricks on getting super cheap shipping.
ON a preemtive note: I know I didn't put my address on the card. Why do they need my address? It was just going to take up space. I don't have an office at this point so I just didn't see a reason. How many times have you used an address on a business card? I figured my phone number was plenty. If they want one they will call.
I like your card. Address would have ben good. I have seen addresses on all buiness cards. WHY? so people will not thnk your aa scam. Thay see an address, thay know your for real. BUT, I did not pay any attion to as what was on the card, so do not worry about it.
I have so many machines in house, I do not need any more. Thanks anyways. IM NEED A PICTURE OF YOUR MACHINE.
Kyle G.
Thanks, glad you like it. You can't go wrong with a red/white/blue color scheme.
I'll be building machines this weekend so I'll take a picture. I don't know if I like how I'm taping on the candy cards to the front. I'm not willing to pay for stickers though so..
Do not tape them! Stick them in the front, about 1" down from the to of the Plastic Square things, fill with candys what and it will move down, as the candy leavl goes down! Thats what I do, and it looks very good. Try it. Its free!
Kyle G.
Damn, that is a good idea. I didn't think of just setting them inside with the candy. Ahh! I will try that. The candy doesn't melt a little bit onto them?
No it doesent. NO melting. It works fine.
Kyle G.
Wait Rob.....have you been tapeing the candy lables on the OUTSIDE of the machines?
Kyle G.
haha, Yeah on the outside of the candy machines. Learn as you go I guess.
Ha Ha Ha....Do not expect the lables to be there when you go back. Have you gone and serviced the first 3 machines you placed? It has been over a month, you better get up there, and look at them!
Kyle G.
The first machine I placed on June 2nd according to my books so I havn't serviced any yet. I'm sort of waiting until the last minute. I'm nervous about what's in there. I've looked at machines that I've placed but I havn't actually serviced them.
I also have two machines in locations and I know the machines need taken out and serviced. The back locks are stuck shut. Any ideas on how to accomplish this? Should I walk in, take the old machine out, and bring in a new machine? I don't know exactly what to do in this situation.
Do what you want. I would replace them.
Do you ahve a sams membership, if not you will loose over 100 a month by not buying in bulk! Walmart charges 7.88 for 2 pounds of M&M's at there store. Sams charges 7.88 for 4 pounds of M&M's at there store. It takes 2 bags of M&M's at sams to fill an empty machine up. It takes 4 at wal-mart. So you save 16.00 on M&M's.
It is the same with all other candies. 2 pounds more. So by the time the dust settles, every month, you could buy anther machine, with the money you save at sams club. Forget Wal Mart! WOW, anther machine!
Kyle G.
Hey Kyle. I went to sams and checked out the prices, the per ounce prices on the candy I buy that is. They are almost the same as at Walmart. I promise, I'm very stingy when it comes to spending extra money. I'm going to see if I can find a sams card somewhere so I can get the deals though.
Wait, extra money? IT IS THE SAME PRICE AS WAL-MART, just more product. But you do have to pay for the card.
Kyle G.
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