At 22 I'm one hell of a BUSINESSMAN..
Or at least I like to think so, don't try and mess with my ego right now ; )
Ok, so I placed two machines. That should be 14/20 Machines placed right? Wrong! It is 14/22 Machines placed, and let me tell you how it's done ladies and gentlemen.
But first, my first location is a cellular store. It's brand new. It's right in front. Hopefully it will get some business. I know teenagers like to go in those stores. So then I hit the car garage shops..
In the beginning of the morning maybe 10 locations in I found a shop that said yes, well maybe, but we don't think we have the room. I said, no problem let me bring it in. So I did, and sure enough, it was too big, the base just took up too much hallway room. But no problem, I have some new machines to take care of that problem. I'm going back there this week! The wife that was there really tried to help me get my machine in but she just couldn't make the room.
I went to a lot of places and got a lot of no's and then I went into this one place that a guy named Mike owned. I looked around and hidden by a Pepsi machine was an empty 2 headed machine. A very nice looking machine, just empty. So I talked to Mike and prospected him about putting my machine in. He said to be honest they didn't get much traffic that would use it. I told him I saw the other empty machine in the corner and said "Sorry about that. Some vendors just don't take care of their customers. Why don't you let me take that out of here for you, maybe I'll be able to use it." He said sure, thanks a lot. Guess what. I have an empty machine, a nice looking machine full of quarters. I could hear them. Damn was I excited, haha. He said the guy never came back so no hard feelings. It is Mike's shop and if the other candyman wasn't taking care of him I sure as hell was. So I took the candy machine and put it in my trunk. Guess what's going to happen after I count those quarters? Yup, I'm going to bring Mike half of the quarter money in cash and say "Tell you what Mike, I got this out of the old machine you had here and I want to give it to you. What do you say now about me putting in one of my machines?" Yes, I'm a businessman. On to location two.
Well, I went to this auto body shop. One guy said yes that managed it but then when I came back 30 minutes later to put in the machine his mom I guess said no. So, damn. But what can you do. I should have had the candy with me I guess. It wasn't that great of a location in retrospect. I'm glad I didn't get it. Fate right.
Next, I went to a bunch more locations. I had dedicated in my mind that I wanted to replace the machine that I thought I had placed. So I went to this transmission place. He had AN EMPTY MACHINE IN HIS LOCATION. Two head, looked amazing. A great machine, all metal design. I was thinking in my mind, is this a joke? Can you guess what happened next? Well the guy was hard of hearing, and he was big, and his hands had a ton of grease on them. It's ok. I accommodate my customers. I spoke in a yelling tone and introduced myself and shook his hand. We both had mighty grips, I think that's what sold him right there. I told him about my machine and how it supported my cancer foundation of choice. Then before he spoke I said "I see you have that empty machine over there. I'm really sorry, some of these guys just leave the things and never come back. Why don't you let me take that one off your hands and replace it with my brand new machine." He said great! So I took another, very top heavy machine out of it's location and replaced it with mine. Oh yes, I'm a businessman. The businessman. After that he said sit down here for a minute since I helped you out. I of course obliged. He told me about a boat that he wrecked when he was about my age; he was drunk. His fiance died in the wreck and he barely made it out. He turned to Jesus and got a new wife and everything is good. You could tell he had told the story many, many times. He told it very fast, and it was hard to understand everything. Anyway, he's happy to help my cause and is a nice guy. I told him I'd see him in a month, probably for more conversation.
I then drove around to a few more places. Most notably a cigar shop. It was very upscale and I knew my machine didn't really fit the decor but I thought I might as well try. He said no but I ended up staying and chatting for a half hour with him and another customer. It's a nice place, he's a nice guy, and who knows, he may get me a location somewhere else sometime. Plus it was nice to sit on a couch and relax for a while. I stopped at a few more places and then headed home. I'm a businessman.
Now. To anyone who is going to say what I did was not ethical, I have this to say to you. YOU JUST WISH YOU THOUGHT OF IT FIRST! Listen, we live in a time where business is cut throat. If service is bad, people go elsewhere. I am elsewhere, and I'm happy to be him. This is what separates the Men from the boys, right Guth!
I got home, took my suit off and went to drilling the locks out on the machines. Of course I broke my drill bit on the first lock and couldn't get it open. Both machines are the ones where you put a key in the top and unscrew it. There was no opening in the back to take out quarters so I guess you just take the top off and they are underneath. I can't wait to get the quarters out and get the machines fitted with new locks! They are so nice! I might even take pictures. They are definitely $100+ machines.
So let's hear it! Yell, scream, tell me what you think! I am the candyman!
Candyman 007
What type of mahines are thay? Post a picture, I what to see your "NEW" machine. I have 2 locks I will send you, if I know thay will fit, to replace thoes ones you have to drill out.
I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU.Congrats. SERVICE THOES MACHINES. You will loose thoes locations if you don't. Rember PICTURE of your 2 head machine! NEW locks, if you do.
Kyle G.
Yeah!! Can do, take pictures that is. Glad your happy. I figured I was going to hear a speech about stealing peoples machines. I'm going to ask my neighbor tomorrow if he can help me drill the locks out since half of my drill bit is stuck in my machine and half in my drill, haha. Great! I'm excited. There is this 32 UTURN ELIMINATOR route for 16,000 in Kissimmee Florida about 3 hours from me. I'm going to try and buy it. It was just started like 2 months ago but the sinlge mother said she can't handle it. Any idea what those machines sell for new? She has 30 on location already, so I mean, I would just leave them there.
I don't have 16k but maybe I can get some and maybe she will finance me, who knows. When you want something you find ways : ) College loans? haha
U turn = Trouble. U Turn machines are flat out, the WORST machines on the market. The mechs break, thay give FREE vends when someone puts exseive force on the handle. I could break one of there mechs with my bare hands. BEWARE of there machines. ALSO, when buying USED routes, make sure thay have been on lcation for at least a year. THINK- what if thay are crappy locations, and you loose them all, after thae first month you own them. It happens, expecaly with U-Turn. There machines are EXTREMLY hard to place. You would go to 1,000 locations, and only get one placed. Stick with your routes, and the GMW, before going out and spending 16,000 on a Crappy U-Turn route.
As soon as you post that pic, I will send you two, 10 dollar locks for FREE. You have become a good friend, and I will help you in any way I can.
Kyle G.
had to white out the key #'s for my machines just incase we have a local reader ; )
thanks kyle
DANG. The one on the left is tha machine I use. It looks loke a LYPC. I will send you 4 locks. The one on the right is a A&A. I also use them. I will send them with all the same key numbers. Thay are both VERY good machines. Give me your address, and I will send them towmarrow. You hit the Jackpot on thoes!
One question. Are the locks like the ones on your GMW machine, or like the ones you would put a house key in. If thay are, the type, you could but a house key in, try this:
Take a Hammer had pound a flat head screwdriver into the key slot, as far as you can get it to go in. Then take a par of pliers and turn the srewdriver. That is how you get into thoes type of locks. No need to drill.
Kyle G.
Great! Have you ever drilled through the top of one? It is like pure steal. The machine on the right, the coin mechanism doesn't automatically go back after you turn it to the right. Does it just need greased or something?
Thanks for the locks. I will be happy to pay for shipping.
Robert N. Patterson
3742 Whidbey Way.
Naples, FL, 34119
You have me excited about my new machines! One auto place today I think will take one of them for sure. My machines base was just too big for the location, but these bases are pretty small.
Oh, and one other big auto shop is remodeling the wait room but he said in 2 months come back. It's a great location.
Anyway, Thanks a lot, you the man!
Ahh, yeah they are house key types. Hell I'm going to the garage now to try haha. Talk soon.
You can not fix the mech problem. It is old age. It does not matter. Over 2/3 of the machines on my routes have this problem. Do not worry aout it. All machines do this after a year or so. Ignore it. It is common problem. I tried to fix mine, no luck. It does not effect the usesge, or doesnit stop the people from useing it.
Tell me if the Hammer thing works. It should, I do it like
Kyle G.
To finish my last sentence: I do it like every day.
Well, the one compartment that I didn't drill into I got open. The other side I couldn't open.
I'm going back there tomorrow and putting in one of my machines, begging this guy Mike. Do you think I should give him $20 cash and tell him I got that from the machine or something?
I got $47.50 out of one side. I still have to open the other side and I didn't even try and open the other machine! DAMN! This is my first experience counting vending quarters, it's exhilarating!
Thanks Kyle!
Yep, you need to go count quarters from the GMW machines. I will send you locks as soon as I go the Post Office tomarrow. You need to CLEAN them realy well.The side Whith Peanut M&M's you can not use anything WITHOUT nuts. Alergie reasons. Go open the other machines. You will have locks for them soon!
Give the guy 20 dollars from each machine. Waite till you get to the one that had Peanut M&M's. IT WILL HAVE THE CASH. I get 50 dollars on a half empty machine, that one is COMPLITELY empty!
Kyle G.
I only vend like 4 to 5 M&M Peanuts for 1 quarter. Do you think I'm being too cheap? I'm headed to sleep, out prospecting again tomorrow! I can't check the GMW machines until the 1 month check point!
WHAT? 4 to 5? You are being STINGIE. I vend 10. Turn it all the way open. That gives 10 on all machines. You have ruined the Peanut M&M's side of the machines, that you have already placed. REPEATE Buiness, You will not get it now. People have already lost there money and know it is a rip off. O well. DANG Robert your CHEAP!
Kyle G.
10!!! Oh my lord. Are you serious? Talk about eating up my profit margin. Ok, I can open up the ones I havn't placed yet. And I can always ask the people in the business if the candy machine is ok and if it is giving enough candy. I can always change them, switch them out. No big deal. 6 costs me 8 cents. So 10 would be about 15 cents! That is only 10c per vend! Am I calculating something wrong here?
No, but you have to give peolpe product, for there money. If you only got 4 from a machine, you would be TICKED too. 10, and 10 only. Mabie, if you are woried about your profit margin on P. M&M's, and are being that stingy, how about vending something skittles, runts, ect.
Kyle G.
Here is a copy and paste from is a guideline for vending amounts. I found it helpful. I usually try to vend 1/2 ounce of whatever candy I vend. I usually try to vend 7-8 pieces on peanut m&m.
--Peanut M&M's: 8-10 pieces
--Plain M&M's: 12-14 pieces
--Runts: 10-12 pieces
--Skittles: 12-14 pieces
--Reese's Pieces: 12-14 pieces
--Mike & Ike: 6-8 pieces
--Chiclets: 10-12 pieces
--Cashews: 10-12 pieces
--Hot Tamales: 6-8 pieces
--Pistachios: 10-12 pieces
Well, I recheked a machine, you get 6. I feel that 6 is a good number of M&M Peanuts. Come on a quarter just isn't much these days! If they want more they'll pop in another quarter. Who knows maybe I'll be the one making more money!
In general I agree, giving more to your customers leads to more money for you. But I think a customer understands that for a quarter 6 M&M Peanuts is a lot. When you buy a bag for a dollar at Wal-Mart you only get like 20 M&M Peanuts. Those things are filling! We will see, we will see.
Thanks Ken, Yeah 7-8 is more reasonable to me. I really don't think I would be mad if I only got 5 or 6 out of a machine. I'm a generous guy but business is business. You can't eat up all your profit margin. By the way, what did you think about me taking out the two old candy machines Ken? I'm just going to look for unmaintained machines from now on and replace them with me!
Well since you asked.....I would not feel comfortable taking someone else's matter how long it had been left.....I would not want to answer the question of why I did it.......but on the other hand...if left a long time in the business, and not checked on, it probably becomes the business's decision to do what he wants with it....and he offered it to is just a tough call.....but I would not pursue replacing someone else's machines actively......
I hear what you're saying Ken. From a moral stand point I'm going to say it's a tough call. But my business mind is telling me this:
Most candymen/women around town don't have business degrees. Most of them just started this business on a whim because they thought they could make some easy cash. Me on the other hand, I thought it through. I'm bringing something to else to the table that these guys havn't brought. Amazing service, business know how, and ingenuity. And let me tell you, no other business, IN THIS COUNTRY, can survive without somewhat descent service. The ones that thrive have amazing service. Candy may be the last to go but I'm taking it with me :) Ask Kyle, he provides amazing service. And he thrives. I'm sure you and your son do a great job too. Why don't the 4 of us take vending to the next level. Let's start getting rid of the small guys that don't service their machines. Let's turn this hobby into a real business.
Candyman CAN!
I agree with you. I will join. SO, what about Ken, and his son? We will see. AMAZING! I will try to jack a couple of machines that are empty around town. Not very many here. Like 2 or 3. The problem I am going to have is this: people here, including me, place mulitbal-(SP?) machines in places. Sometimes up to 6. If one is even full a little bit, I can not take them. And most of the time, one is full.
I am afraid ken will not be back, we are sprading a ba message to his son.
Well Robert, go, jack more machines.
Kyle G.
Ken will be back I'm sure. We're not just "jacking" machines. We're taking out old machines that no one is caring for. We are providing two services. 1 we are trash men. Helping business owners clean trash out of their places of business. I know none of these guys have signed contracts. Once that machine is left on site it is the business owners to do what he pleases. We are at his mercy. Anyway, I don't think it's just semantics between jacking and what we're doing. We're providing just one extra service to our customers!
I agree. TRASH them. 15 out of 22, thats not to bad. Only 7 more than back to the GMW for more. Lets pray you get thoes auto shops. Offer high commission. Say 35%. Give Refrencees-(SP?). 15 refrances-(SP?), and I think you would have the locations.
I have a bank location, brand new, and I am going there this week. 5 entrances, so 5 machines. If I get that location, I am going to buy them from you, or the GMW. Thay will have to be black with crome stand, as classy, and fitting to a bank as possibale.
I am useing my NEW charity there. WHY: I thing a bank has SO MUCH MONEY, a mealsey 30% or 35% would not matter to them. But CHILDREN WILL.
Kyle G.
Kyle G.
I'm reading your blog beginning to end today, and I just have to comment on this post.
You do realize, don't you, that you have admitted to committing a crime here? You've taken property that doesn't belong to you. I realize that it appears abandoned, and that the rightful owner in all likelihood doesn't know or care that you have his property, but that doesn't change the fact that you've committed a crime, and should the rightful owners of those machines come looking for them and the money inside, you could be in for some expensive lawer fees.
I encourage you to call the owners of the machines and offer to buy them. If you've already drilled the locks from these machines, you've committed theft and vandalism on the criminal side, and the owners could sue you for restitution on the civil side.
For someone who keeps claiming to be a businessman, you sure don't act like one. Vuitton Outlet Vuitton Outlet Belt
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