Monday, August 20, 2007

met locator at 8AM and snack boxes

Well I put an ad in craigslist and got a call from a locator the other day. We met this morning and he is going to locate machines for me today. We are meeting back up at 3PM and he said he should have between 3 and 10 locations. I assume he will have 10 because he seems like he is good at getting them.

Anyway, we will see. He swears by snack boxes. They are little boxes that have snacks in them with an honor box to put money in. I think he said the entire setup is $15 for the box and snacks and he locates them cheaper than other machines. What do you all think?

At the moment I am building machines for today. I built 2 this morning, and have 3 left. Blah, I hate building.


Unknown said...

Hey Rob,

Do the snack boxes lock? My former job had one placed there and kids would put a quarter in it and grab a handful of candy.

Robert Neil Patterson II said...

Nope, they don't lock. said...

"Snack boxes" as you call them Robert. "Honor Boxes" are the industry norm for them. I think they are great intro to vending type things to have. You can make them yourself for spend little to purchase them. Not hard to locate generally because they are based on promoting a charity of some type. High end honor boxes like you see at your grocery store checkout have locks. Many variety of Honor boxes do no have any type of locking mechanism. They do not produce the revenue as a normal candy, or sticker machine will however your profit margins are higher because they are on location "commission free". I personally do not operate them because of they are low earners.